Have you found yourself:
- Struggling with failed intimate relationships?
- Avoiding conflict in relationships?
- Finding it difficult to appreciate your partner’s world view or perspective?
- Constantly feeling misunderstood?
- Losing yourself in intimate relationships?
- Being told you are emotionally unavailable?
- Finding it hard for you to show your tenderness?
- Struggling with trusting others?
- Finding it difficult for you to express yourself authentically?
Benefits gained with coaching or counseling in relationships:
- Recognize your repeating patterns in relationships
- Move through conflict with grace and respect
- Develop appreciation for another’s view and perspective
- Learn to recognize your personal needs and ask for what you want
- Develop healthy boundaries
- Cultivate emotional intelligence
- Understand the value of vulnerability
- Learn how to cultivate self-awareness and practices of self-observation
- Speak about yourself with authenticity