Have you found yourself…
- Being confused about what a wellness plan means.
- Feeling overwhelmed with the idea.
- Not knowing where to begin.
- Noticing that certain foods don’t agree with you.
- Resenting being told what to do.
- Finding it difficult to create balance in your life.
- Following through with your plan.
- Resisting exercise and physical movement.
- Trying one plan after another wondering when you will find the right fit.
- Giving up.
Benefits gained with Wellness coaching or counseling:
- Listening to your body.
- Choosing the areas of wellness you want to work on.
- Developing a wellness plan that is unique and reasonable.
- Incorporate the ABC’s as a foundation – Awareness, Balance and Connection.
- Learning how the body, heart, mind and spirit connection work in your life.
- Understanding the components included in your plan.
- Starting from a place that you choose and works for you.
- Understanding and be prepared for obstacles.
- Identifying resources for continued support.
- Learning about the body-mind and mind-mood connection.