Wellness Blog

About This Wellness Blog

Hi, I’m Renée, and welcome to my wellness blog! I have been a mental health counselor and wellness practitioner for over 40 years. I began my career as a Marriage and Family Therapist, but I immediately realized that my true calling was to integrate body, mind, and spiritual activities in the process of returning the individual to their full state. I’m passionate about helping people grow and heal, and I believe that wellness starts from within.

A little over twenty years ago, I was given the opportunity to learn about the Enneagram, which completely revolutionized my life! Because it naturally assists clients in becoming better acquainted with themselves, enhances the clients’ level of self-awareness, and allows them to discover areas in which change can be helpful. The Enneagram then evolved into the central hub of my practice. If someone uses Enneagram-specific practices consistently and joins an Enneagram community for support, transformation is inevitable.

The Enneagram has a lot of promise, and I am determined to see that it gets used. I blog about it, wrote a book on the subject, and continue to offer Enneagram-based workshops and retreats.

If you are new to the Enneagram or are already familiar with it, I invite you to explore my blog and see what resonates with you. My hope is that you will find something here that will help you on your journey to wellness!

Enneagram Explained

In this blog, I write about the Enneagram, a powerful tool for self-awareness and personal growth. The Enneagram is a nine-pointed figure that represents nine different personality types. It is based on the belief that there are nine basic personality types, each with its unique set of characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses.

The Enneagram is not just a personality test; it is a map that can help you understand yourself, others, and the world around you. It can help you see the world from different perspectives and find your place in it.

If you are new to the Enneagram, I invite you to start with my post, “What is the Enneagram?” This will give you a basic introduction to the Enneagram and how it can be used for self-awareness and personal growth.

I also invite you to explore my blog and see what resonates with you. My hope is that you will find something here that will help you on your journey to wellness!

Holistic Wellness Through the Enneagram

In my mental health counseling and wellness practice, I use the Enneagram to help clients achieve holistic wellness. Holistic wellness is an approach to life that considers the whole person – body, mind, and spirit – and all of their interconnectedness.

The Enneagram is a powerful tool for holistic wellness because it helps us understand our personality type and how it affects our health and well-being. It also helps us see the world from different perspectives and find our place in it.

When we are able to see ourselves and the world around us more clearly, we can make choices that lead to greater health and happiness. We can also create relationships that are more supportive and fulfilling.

If you are interested in learning more about how the Enneagram can be used for holistic wellness, I invite you to explore my blog. I hope you find something here to help you on your journey to wellness!

Enneagram & Personal Development

I offer a variety of resources on my website to help you learn more about the Enneagram and how it can be used for personal development. My blog provides regular posts on a variety of topics related to the Enneagram and personal growth. You’ll find articles on everything from how to use the Enneagram for self-discovery to tips for living a more joyful life. In addition to my blog, I have a podcast called “Enneagram Conversations,” where I discuss a specific Enneagram Type in each episode. This is a great way to get to know each type in more depth and learn how the Enneagram can be applied in real life.

If you’re looking for something more in-depth, I also offer a video series called Beyond What’s Your Type, Baby. Beyond “What’s Your Type, Baby?” lays a foundational understanding of the Enneagram using all three centers of intelligence: body, heart, and head. Six modules on our online learning platform can stand alone or be used together.  

If you’re looking for even more support, I offer one-on-one coaching and consultations, as well as workshops and retreats. These offerings provide an opportunity to dive deeper into the Enneagram and receive personalized support on your journey.

Enneagram & Relationships

One of the most exciting and valuable things about the Enneagram is how it can help us understand our relationships with others. The Enneagram can help us understand ourselves and others and see the world from different perspectives. It can help us find our place in the world and build better relationships with those around us. If you are looking for ways to improve your relationships, I invite you to explore my blog posts on the Enneagram and relationships. In these posts, I write about how the Enneagram can be used to improve communication, resolve conflict, and deepen our connection with others. I also invite you to explore my blog and see what resonates with you. My hope is that you will find something here that will help you on your journey to wellness!

Enneagram & Addiction Recovery

Recovering from addiction is a journey of self-discovery. The Enneagram can be a valuable tool on this journey, as it can help you understand yourself and your addiction.

The Enneagram can help you see the world from different perspectives and find your place in it. It can also help you understand others and find compassion and forgiveness.

If you are struggling with addiction, I invite you to start with my post, “The Enneagram and Addiction Recovery.” This will give you a basic introduction to the Enneagram and how it can be used for self-awareness and personal growth.

I also invite you to explore my blog and see what resonates with you. My hope is that you will find something here that will help you on your journey to wellness!

Enneagram & Trauma Recovery

One of the things I love about the Enneagram is that it can be used as a tool for trauma recovery. Trauma recovery is a process of healing and transformation after a person has experienced a traumatic event.

The Enneagram can help identify the areas of your life that have been most affected by trauma and understand how your trauma has impacted your personality. It can also help you find your strengths and weaknesses and develop a plan for moving forward.

If you are interested in learning more about how the Enneagram can be used for trauma recovery, I invite you to read my post, “Enneagram & Trauma Recovery.” This will give you a basic introduction to the Enneagram and how it can be used for trauma recovery.

I also invite you to explore my blog and see what resonates with you. My hope is that you will find something here that will help you on your journey to wellness!

Bring Yourself into 2021

Bring Yourself into 2021

Wow! The first month of 2021 is almost over. January is coming to a close and our world is moving faster through so many changes, yet not fast enough in many ways to tackle the unrest of external events and our generalized internal discomfort. Like many, at the end of...

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The Narrative Enneagram TNE Certified Teacher Renee Siegel
International Eneagram Association IEA Accredited Professional

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Monday - Thursday   9am - 7pm

Friday   9am - 3pm